Monday, April 22, 2013

How To Play Goalie In Soccer:

    How to be a goalie in soccer : First, you need to know you are the captain of the team. Second, you need to be good at catching a ball. Third, you can't be afraid of the ball. Finally, you need to be able to throw and punt.

The goalie is the captain because he is the boss of the team. He tells people what to do.The goalie is the one that saves all the balls. Without the goalie people would shot from half field and score if there wasn't a goalie.Finally the the goalie is the last defense that means if the other team beat all the defenders the goalie is he last defender.

You need to catch the ball because if the other team shoot you need to be abel to catch the ball.If the other team ships the ball over your head you need to jump up and catch it or hit it out.If the game is still tied after two overtimes you do PK's and they shoot from pretty close.You need to catch the ball or hit it out.

You cant be afraid of the ball because if they shoot on the other side of the goal that you on you need to dive to hit the ball out of the goal.If there is a bunch of people fighting for the ball you need to jump in with all of them and grab the ball. When you fell the ball in your hands pull the ball and out your body around the ball so know body can kick the ball out out your hands.

When you catch the ball you need to throw the ball to your teams mates. If know body on your teams is   open you need to punt the ball really far so somebody chase the ball and your  team mate is one on one with the goalie and that it is pretty easy to score when it is just you facing the goalie. If you practice punting the ball allot you can maybe score from punting.

Now you know that there is a lot more to being a goalie it is a lot more then just catching the ball.These are some reasons that that you need to know to be a goalie.You need to know that the goalie is the boss of the team,You need to be good at catching the ball,You cant be afraid of the ball and you need to be abel to throw and punt.

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