Wednesday, March 20, 2013

If I could make a special dragon it would be named Abs the fighting dragon.  It would be named Abs cause he had a 1000 pack. Every time he went to battle his Abs would shoot fire balls. I would make Abs have super powers. When he goes flying he busts into flames and he doesn't get hurt.Thats what his super powers do.


 If I could make a special dolphin it would be named Shakira the Magical Dolphin.  She would be purple with diamonds on her flippers.  Every time she splashed in the water her diamonds would sparkle and shine.  I would make Shakira the Magical Dolphin with special powers.  Her powers would  be that she could fly.  That's right, a flying dolphin!  All the other dolphins would look at Shakira and wish they could be like her.  She would also be able to do super duper quadruple flips.  When she does her super flips she sings songs.  She is the ultimate performer.  If I could make my own dolphin, Shakira the Magical Dolphin would be the best dolphin ever!

    Introduction and Conclusion



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