Wednesday, December 14, 2011

What i am going to do this Christmas.

The first thing I am going to this Christmas Is go Hunting and kill a deer.
The second I'm going to do this Christmas  Is  go to the keys a very very good fishing place.
The third thing I am going to do Is play with my presents

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Big writing

One thing I am thankful for is time4 learning for teaching me a lot of math and langue arts.

Another thing I am thankful for is Steve for being stev  Tesla's pet bearded dragon.

The last i am thankful for is food and water i could knot live with out food our water.

draft 2

     One thing I am thankful for is time4learning for teaching me a lot of math and language arts. Another thing I am thankful for is Steve for being Steve. The last thing I am thankful for is food and water I could not live with out food or water.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Draft 1

     Endangered animals should be saved. One reason is it could put the environment off balance. Another reason is if people kill animals it will kill some other animals because animals that they kill are apart of the
food chain.The last reason is if people kill animals and they don't use it is a waste.

Endangered Animals


Wednesday, October 12, 2011


:Tory.      Age 12:  Colorado :

2:Katey    Age 10:  Brazil :

3:Don     Age   8:   Washington DC:

Tory  Katey  Don  Snowball fight !!!!

I have to go in side there is a blizzard at 12:30 pm.

                                It is 1:30!

                     Ha! Ha! i was kidding.

Look over there it’s a blizzard run away !!!!

 (they run to there houses)
                                              THE  END

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Big writing 10/5/2011

 Dear Mrs.Amy

         Hello,my name is Lawson and I am 8 years old. I am a student at Technology Engineering Science
Leadership  Academy  (TESLA) located in Santa Rosa Beach,FL.We are working on a project with the
essential question, "What is the  ultimate living thing?" I chose the panther chameleon (Furcifer pardalis).

   As part of the way we do projects at TESLA we have to find a  expert to look at our work. I was
wondering if you would please take a few minutes  to look over my project and provide me with
feedback both on how it might be improved and things that I have done well. Here is a link to my

Thank you,

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Draft # 2

Leopard Gecko

I think leopard geckos are interesting because they are very colorful and good pets.

Leopard geckos tails can fall if you drop them or wiggle there tails.

If you have a full grown leopard gecko its' tail will be fat because they keep food and water because in the desert there is barely any food or water.

If you have pet a leopard gecko don't pick it up by the sides because it could collapse there lungs.

I think  leopard geckos are interesting because they have different types. 


Leopard Gecko
I think Leopard geckos are interesting because they are very colorful and good pets.

Leopard geckos tails  can fall if you drop them or wiggle there tails.

If you have a full grown leopard gecko its tail will be fat because they keep food and water because in the desert there is barely any food or water.

If you have pet a Leopard gecko don't pick it up by the sides because it could collapse there lunges.

I think Leopard geckos are interesting because they have different species.  


Leopard Gecko
I think Leopard geckos are interesting because they are very colorful and good pets.

Leopard geckos tails  can fall if you drop them or wiggle there tails.

If you have a full grown leopard gecko its tail will be fat because they keep food and water because in the desert there is barely any food or water.

If you have pet a Leopard gecko don't pick it up by the sides because it could collapse there lunges.

I think Leopard geckos are interesting because they have different species.  

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

draft 2.

Why Macbooks Are Useful

 I can use goggle and stuff.

Macbook are interesting because you can look up animals you have never before.

You can also go to websites you do not know like

You can also play games!


 I cause you can use goggle and stuff.

Macbook are interesting because you can look up animals you have never before.

You can also go to websites you do not know like

You can also play games!

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

draft 2

Alaska is the most interesting place in the  world.
It is interesting because there lots of animals.
Also it is interesting because they have lots of theme parks.
Finally it is neat because it is beautiful.

The Most Interesting Place In The World. Draft one

Alaska  is the most intresting place in the world.
It is interesting because There lots Animals.
Also it is intresting because They have lots of Theme parks.
Finally it is neat because It is Beautful.